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Radware Alteon NG 5224

Alteon NG Application Delivery Controller/Load Balancer

Radware Alteon NG 5224

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Alteon NG ADC Platforms
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Alteon NG, Radware's next-generation application delivery controller (ADC), is the industry's only solution designed from the ground up to ensure predictable application SLA at all times. The only ADC packed with next-generation ADC services, Alteon NG cost-effectively addresses emerging IT challenges faced by enterprises and online businesses.

Application SLA Challenge

In today's business landscape, IT is required to deliver consistent availability and performance-optimized user experiences for application end-users. On-going trends, such as virtualization, consolidation and cloud-shared platforms are complicating these delivery requirements - the same resources are now shared by different applications and exposing organizations to SLA breaches. Moreover, cyber-attacks that threaten application operation can potentially downgrade application SLA. Finally, application infrastructure issues, including increased Web application complexity and mobility, create additional challenges for delivering optimized application performance and meeting SLA requirements.

Whether it's an online Web application, or an internal mission-critical enterprise application such as CRM, ERP or an organization portal, end-users expect to receive consistent quality of experience. The conclusion is clear: today's organizations require predictable application SLA and need tools to proactively monitor and manage application SLA.

Standard ADC: Not Good Enough Anymore

For years, companies have been using application delivery controllers (ADC) to optimally deliver applications. However, the standard/legacy ADC is not enough anymore as it is based on a best-effort approach. In a standard/legacy ADC, all resources are shared between server applications- there is no resource isolation per application and no resource reservation mechanism. This may lead to SLA degradation of neighboring applications. Likewise, adding features or services to one application can degrade the overall ADC performance and impact other applications' SLA.

In addition, the standard/legacy ADC doesn't offer tools for monitoring application SLA- it only provides acceleration features that are mainly on the TCP/SSL layers but not on the application, user or device levels.

In contrast to the standard/legacy ADC, a next-generation (NG) ADC provides real-user monitoring, best-in-class application level acceleration features, and innovative security offerings. With a full application SLA assurance, a nextgeneration (NG) ADC also provides application level resource reservation, which allows for the addition of new services without performance penalties.

Alteon NG: Complete Application SLA Assurance

Alteon Next-Generation (NG) is the industry's only ADC to ensure application SLA at all times. Innovative, and built from the ground up, it leverages next-generation services unavailable in any other ADC on the market. Alteon NG combines FastView Web Performance Optimization (WPO), Application Performance Monitoring (APM), AppWall Web Application Firewall (WAF), Authentication Gateway, Advanced Denial of Service (ADoS), ITM/bandwidth management, as well as maximum SSL and compression capacities.

Alteon NG can guarantee application SLA like no other ADC in the market:

  • Alteon NG is engineered to deliver full application level resource isolation and designed to prevent resources from maxing out.
  • Alteon NG incorporates APM capabilities that provide full visibility into application SLA, broken down by application, transaction or location.
  • Alteon NG integrates with FastView, the industry's most advanced WPO technology, which accelerates application responses for higher conversion rates, revenues and productivity.
  • Alteon NG is part of a unique attack mitigation architecture, allowing accurate detection and mitigation of the most advanced cyber-attacks.

Complete Application SLA Assurance

What Does Alteon NG Do?

Alteon NG is our next generation application delivery controller (ADC) and the only load balancer that guarantees application SLA. It provides advanced, end-to-end local and global load balancing capabilities for all Web, cloud and mobile based applications.

Alteon NG load balancer combines best-of-breed application delivery plus advanced services to companies with key application infrastructure challenges affecting web applications such as heavier, more complex web content; mobility and BYOD; and the migration to the cloud.

What Makes Alteon NG A Better Load Balancer?

Alteon NG is the industry-only application delivery controller built from the ground up to ensure application SLA. Alteon NG innovatively leverages several next-generation services that are not available in any other ADC on the market, bundling FastView Web Performance Optimization (WPO), Application Performance Monitoring (APM), AppWall Web Application Firewall (WAF), Authentication Gateway, Advanced Denial of Service (ADoS), ITM / bandwidth management as well as maximum SSL and compression capacities. Unlike a standard, legacy load balancer that's based on a best-effort approach, it provides full application SLA assurance through reserving resources per application, allowing adding new services without performance penalty, real-user monitoring, best-in-class application acceleration features and innovative security offering.

Alteon NG load balancer is architecturally designed to ensure application SLA with:

Application SLA Assurance
Application SLA Assurance

Complete fault isolation, vADC per application and service, and the ability to scale up or scale out while maintaining performance with ADC-VX

Application SLA Monitoring
Application SLA Monitoring

Real-time monitoring, proactive SLA management and assurance with agent-less application performance monitoring (APM)

Web Performance Optimization
Web Performance Optimization

Accelerated web page performance for any end-user device and any browser up to 40% with FastView web performance optimization

Layered Security Architecture
Layered Security Architecture

Protection for applications and infrastructure against cyber-attacks, with accurate attack detection and DoS signaling, in the perimeter or the cloud through attack mitigation systems (AMS)

Advanced Multi-Homing and Enterprise Gateway Capabilities
Advanced Multi-Homing and Enterprise Gateway Capabilities

Guarantee enterprise Web applications service levels and ensure they are connected to the Internet at all times with LinkProof NG module

Application Integration
Application Integration

Application specific optimized configuration guides and configuration templates with automation and reports through AppShape

Alteon NG lets you reduce deployment time of application delivery services by 86% via wizards and configuration templates with AppShape and customization through AppShape++ scripts (and routing rules).

Alteon Virtual Appliance (VA) is a fully-featured Alteon application switch packaged as a virtual appliance running on server virtualization infrastructure, providing identical functionality to Alteon physical application delivery controllers for network load balancing. enables enterprises running cloud and virtual server infrastructures to assure high application SLA leveraging advanced enterprise functionality such as L3-7 load balancing, traffic steering, integrated application performance monitoring (APM) and web performance optimization (WPO).

Complete Layer 4-7 Feature Set

Alteon NG delivers a complete set of Layer 4-7 services to ensure the availability, performance and security of missioncritical applications in the local and cloud data centers. These extend to traffic redirection, content modification, persistency, redundancy, advanced health monitoring, global server load balancing (GSLB) and bandwidth management that optimizes the delivery of mission-critical applications.

Programmable & Shaped to Deliver Applications

Alteon NG employs Radware's AppShape technology which simplifies and accelerates application deployment on the ADC. By offering configuration templates for leading business applications, AppShape helps customers set up and configure all the required ADC options in a fast, risk-free and user-friendly manner. The benefits are faster application rollouts and optimized performance of the ADC for each specific application. Radware's AppShape++ technology delivers scripting capabilities, allowing customization of the ADC service for specific application flow and scenario. By leveraging the script examples library, customers can use AppShape++ to refine various Layer 4-7 policies including HTTP, HTTPS, TCP, UDP, SSL and more – without application modifications and reducing cost and risk.

Best Performance in Its Class

Alteon NG offers the best performance in any Layer 4-7 metric versus the competition: 6.8x more Layer 4 connections per second, 3x more Layer 7 requests per second and 5.5x more SSL connections per second (using 2048 bit keys). Packed with built-in 10GE ports, Alteon NG enables enterprises to address traffic growth, ensure fast application response time and meet application SLA better than any other ADC in its class.

5-Year Longevity Guarantee Coupled with World-Class Support

Radware exclusively provides Alteon customers with a 5-year platform longevity guarantee. This enables extending the Application Delivery project lifetime, which directly translates into reduced TCO and higher ROI.

Features and Benefits:

Alteon NG enables application delivery networking by providing safe and efficient distribution of business-critical applications across your company's network. Alteon NG is well suited for environments with growing SSL offloading needs.

Service Availability
Separate vADC per Application/Service
  • Complete isolation between virtual ADC (vADC) instances at the network, fault and configuration levels
  • Full resource reservation
  • Next-generation services can be enabled without impacting the performance of other service applications
Smart Health Monitoring and Failure Detection
  • Quickly identifies failures at any point along the application or transaction path and reacts proactively
  • Hundreds of pre-defined health checks are instantly accessible (after installation), ensuring quick server/application availability and lowering total cost of ownership
Stateful Persistency
  • Prevents application session disruptions
  • Ensures transaction completion
Device Redundancy: Active-Active, Active-Backup or Active-Standby
  • Prevents the introduction of a single point of failure
  • Seamless device redundancy with VRRP support
  • Protects hardware investment and lowers total cost of ownership
Real-time Traffic Redirection
  • Automatically redirects traffic to best available instances, servers and farms in the data center or between redundant sites for optimal user experience
  • Optimizes the use of existing applications and server resources and cost effectively scales resources, fully protecting server investment
  • IPv6 network support
Global Load Balancing
  • Guarantees transaction completion and fast response times across multiple data centers to support business continuity and disaster recovery plans
Performance Acceleration
Faster Web Application Response Time
  • FastView web performance optimization – integrating the most advanced Web acceleration technology in the industry
  • Optimized acceleration per any browser and end-user device
  • Up to 40% response time reduction for increased conversion rates, revenues and productivity
  • Reduced total transferred content size through content compression
Optimized IT Infrastructure Through Server Offloading
  • Secure Socket Layer (SSL) offloading
  • TCP connections multiplexing
  • Content caching - for both static and dynamic content - both at the browser and on the ADC, servicing user requests faster.
Bandwidth Management and Traffic-Shaping Capabilities
  • Aligns bandwidth usage to meet business objectives
  • Provides administrators with the necessary tools to streamline enforcement of bandwidth management policies
  • Guarantees bandwidth allocation for latency-sensitive and mission-critical applications, as well as premium users, through the use of QoS algorithms
Application Performance Monitoring (APM)
  • Real-time tracking of application SLA
  • Measure real user transactions including errors
  • Out-of-the-box solution, embedded with the ADC, no scripting nor installations.
  • Tracking SLA by location, user, application and transaction type
ADC Infrastructure and Application Visibility
  • Real-time management dashboard which continuously monitors and displays application delivery services & system status, network and application performance & faults and more – allowing fast, efficient incident resolution
  • Cross-ADC historical reports delivering better capacity planning across the entire ADC infrastructure
  • Drilldown-able reports enabling efficient ADC infrastructure utilization trend analysis
Unique Attack Mitigation Architecture
  • Accurate attack detection – based on traffic parameters (bandwidth, PPS, CPS, CEC) and ADC health parameters (CPU utilization, network tables capacity)
  • Signaling attack information to Radware DefensePipe cloud service and Radware DefensePro data center attack mitigator
  • Efficient attack mitigation at the most appropriate location – including network perimeter and in the cloud
A DoS Based Signature Technology
  • Real-time network attack prevention protecting application infrastructure against network & application downtime, application vulnerability exploitation, malware spread, information theft and more
  • Protects against known and emerging network attacks
Best Application Security Protection Solution
  • Ensures SLA through resource reservation and fault isolation for WAF services
  • Seamless scalability and provisioning AppWall modules
  • Best security coverage - covering over 150 different attack vectors
  • Continuous attack visibility through advanced security graphical reports
  • Risk Free Implementation – with out-of-path and inline deployment modes
  • Easy to maintain throughout the application lifecycle - auto-detection of web application changes
  • Lowest false positive and false negative rates
  • Shortest time to protection
Safer, simpler application access security through Alteon's integrated Authentication Gateway
  • Simplify user experience through automatic authentication and login transactions detection
  • Refine security policies with geo-location and/or role based  context
  • Seamlessly collect accounting and auditing
Application Delivery
Breakthrough Performance
  • Application delivery performance leadership at all throughput levels
  • State-of-the-art hardware architecture
On-demand Throughput and Service Scalability
  • On demand scaling up - adding more throughput, services and vADCs with no hardware modifications
  • On demand scaling out-of-the-box – by leveraging external, extensible resource pool (such as server infrastructure) for computational intensive NG services
Best Investment Protection
  • Eliminates forklift upgrades – project costs associated with testing, staging, reinstalling and debugging are removed
  • Hassle-free upgrade – configuration changes are not required during upgrade, resulting in no downtime
  • Extends project life span – use of same platform significantly lowers total cost of ownership
Operations Simplicity
  • Simplified application operation with AppShape technology which allows to manage the ADC from an application viewpoint
    • Pre-defined ADC configuration templates for fast application roll-out and optimized application performance
    • Out of the box application specific reports, logging and compliance
  • Separate vADC per Application approach enabling fast, simple application provisioning using the same ADC hardware
  • Centralized management of up to 1000 ADC services with APSolute Vision
Layer 4-7 Programmability
  • Minimize application changes while enabling flexible per application traffic redirection and content modification through AppShape++ user defined scripts
  • Script library for per application extended functionality scripts, enabling fast and optimized script deployment based on product expert validated scripts

Application SLA:

Alteon NG is our next-generation application delivery solution and the industry's only ADC built from the ground up to ensure application SLA at all times. It bundles FastView Web Performance Optimization (WPO), Authentication Gateway, Advanced Denial of Services (ADoS), ITM/bandwidth management as well as maximum SSL and compression capacities.

Alteon NG can guarantee application SLA like no other ADC in the market:

  • Architecturally designed to ensure application SLA by delivering resource reservation and full isolation per application
  • Delivers application SLA monitoring capabilities, via the built-in application performance monitoring (APM) module, providing SLA visibility by application, transaction or location
  • Accelerates application response time for higher conversion rates, revenues and productivity, by leveraging FastView, the industry's most advanced web performance optimization (WPO) technology
  • Ensures application SLA even under attack by integrating Radware's Attack Mitigation System (AMS) and signaling attack information upon detection to mitigate it at the perimeter
  • Alteon NG is part of a unique attack mitigation architecture, allowing accurate detection and mitigation of the most advanced cyber-attacks.

Engineered to Ensure Application SLA

Engineered to Ensure Application SLA

Alteon NG enables companies to flexibly allocate a separate virtual ADC (vADC) instance per application, service or department. Each vADC instance is fully isolated from neighboring instances and has independent CPU cores, memory, network stack, management control and operating system versions. As a result, the Alteon NG ADC ensures complete fault isolation and predictable application SLA for all delivered Web applications at all times. In addition, next-generation services can be quickly and safely enabled without impacting the performance of other service applications.

Alteon NG is designed to dynamically scale when necessary, without hardware modifications. It can scale up ondemand, adding more throughput, services and vADCs, or out-of-the-box on-demand, leveraging an external extensible resource pool (such as server infrastructure) for computational intensive NG services. By eliminating the need to purchase additional ADC units, Alteon NG allows for cost-effective hardware consolidation. It provides easy, fast provisioning of additional vADC instances, without service interruption, at a fraction of the cost of buying a physical ADC.


Full Application SLA Visibility with Radware's Application Performance Monitoring
Radware's Application Performance Monitoring (APM) module provides real-time tracking of application SLA by measuring real-user transactions, including real errors. Embedded in Alteon NG, Radware's APM is an out-of-the-box solution which doesn't require synthetic transaction scripting or additional installation - reducing deployment time and costs. APM intuitively tracks SLA by location, user, application and transaction type to expedite root cause analysis. Additionally, it provides historical reports based on user defined SLA that feature granular analysis, allowing the measurement of the delay per transaction phase and including data center time, network latency and browser rendering time.



Full Toolset for Web Application Performance Acceleration
Alteon NG offers a full set of tools for providing the highest application performance acceleration, including caching, compression, SSL offloading and TCP optimization. Alteon NG enables faster communication between the client and server, while offloading CPU intensive tasks from the application server.

Radware's FastView technology, embedded in Alteon NG, adds a second layer of acceleration by providing up to 40% faster web application response times for a variety of end-user devices and browser types/versions, and with specific optimization for mobile devices. FastView automatically adapts to new application versions and new modules, which eliminates manual code optimization work and allows organizations to focus on core business competence.

Alteon NG offers an embedded HTTP/2 gateway, a third layer of acceleration that resolves many inherent HTTP 1.1 protocol performance bottlenecks, and thus enables additional acceleration of web applications. By leveraging the Alteon NG acceleration functionality and pairing it with FastView's content analysis algorithms, the HTTP/2 gateway can automate server pushes, even before the client requests the content, and provide an even faster application response time.

Alteon NG offers a full set of acceleration tools that work in concert to deliver the fastest Web application optimization experience yet, for any type of browser, mobile or desktop device.


Authentication Gateway

Unique Attack Mitigation Architecture
As a key component of Radware's Attack Mitigation Network (AMN), Alteon NG delivers best-in-class web application security coverage. It leverages a unique Defense Messaging mechanism that efficiently mitigates attacks by signaling attack information to Radware's DefensePipe cloud service and DefensePro, a data center attack mitigator located at the network perimeter.

The integration of advanced web application firewall capabilities, such as a unique out-of-path WAF deployment mode and auto-policy generation features, enable risk free implementation. In addition, full instance isolation and resource reservation ensures ADC resources. Even when WAF policies are updated, there's no impact on application availability and performance. This results in secured web application with guaranteed SLA.

Finally, Alteon NG features a built-in authentication gateway which provides single sign-on (SSO) capabilities by supporting Radius, Active Directory, LDAP and RSA SecurID and simplifies user experience without compromising application security.


Advanced Multi-Homing and Enterprise Gateway Capabilities
The integrated LinkProof NG module delivers an application-aware, cost-effective solution to guarantee enterprise Web application service levels and ensure Internet connectivity at all times. By detecting application downtime through full-path application health monitoring, LinkProof NG allows organizations to pinpoint issues in various networking nodes and enables instant recovery along the entire WAN path.

By simultaneously load balancing and optimizing both inbound and outbound traffic of multiple WAN links, the solution serves as an advanced enterprise gateway which optimizes access to cloud applications by applying advanced TCP congestion control and selecting the best ISP link per service. LinkProof NG increases employee productivity and reduces costs at the branch office by supporting hybrid WAN architecture, aligning allocated WAN links by priority and accelerating employee access to SaaS applications.

Enterprise-Grade, Cloud-Ready ADC Full Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery
Alteon NG ensures absolute uptime and effective disaster recovery (DR) for local and globally dispersed applications at all times. By leveraging advanced health checks, traffic redirection, persistency and content modifications capabilities, it guarantees transaction completion through real-time identification and bypasses faulty elements along the transaction path. In addition, Radware's global server load balancing (GSLB) service ensures the global availability of geographically dispersed applications. Moreover, disaster recovery also takes place by leveraging a public cloud load balancing solution such as Alteon NG for Amazon Web Services (AWS).

Alteon NG features Active-Active or Active-Passive Device redundancy to reduce service interruptions and guarantee service uptime. It is IPv6 ready, enabling load balancing of applications over IPv4 or IPv6 networks with no need to modify the applications.


Next-Generation, Multi-Service Architecture for Full SLA Assurance

For enterprises of any size, Alteon NG ADC provides the industry’s first fault isolated instances, providing virtualization while locking in machine resources per virtual instance. This technology enables each Alteon NG platform to run multiple, completely autonomous ADC instances, each with its independent operating system versions, CPU cores, memory, network stack and management control.

The ability to create ADC instances and allocate dedicated system resources to each within the Alteon NG platform means that SLA requirements for each ADC instance can always be met and advanced Web services can run without an impact on performance.

Legacy ADCs with shared virtualized segmentation can result in resource contention between ADC instances – where one overloaded application will hog system resources from another. With Alteon NG, organizations that need to ensure the performance of critical applications can dedicate a virtual ADC instance to each application and be assured that the performance of the application will never be compromised. The unique ADC deployment model in Alteon NG provides fully fault isolated ADC instances for running multiple services.

The Alteon NG architecture was designed to dynamcially scale when necessary. On-demand scalability provides more throughput, services, and vADCs into existing Alteon platforms, without hardware modifications, causing any disturbance to running applications, or risking resource contention on any of the ADC services. Each Alteon NG instance can be allocated with capacity units as needed.

Moreover, next generation ADC services have the potential to be resource intensive with a resource requirement that may resource requirement may vary significantly in different scenarios (e.g. under cyber attack, or serving more complex pages) and across applications. Radware’s Alteon NG solution offers a deployment model which not only locks resources per application, but also guarantees resources per NG ADC service such as FastView and WAF, allocating dedicated capacity units per NG service.

Should additional resources be required, Alteon NG also supports on-demand scaling out-of-the-box, leveraging external compute resources for those computational-intensive NG services.

Multi-service architecture for full SLA assurance

Multi-service architecture for full SLA assurance

Technical Specifications:

Alteon 5224

  • High performance application delivery appliance covering wide throughput range: 5 to 16 Gbps throughput capacity
  • On-demand throughput scalability: 5, 10 & 16 Gbps throughput licenses
  • Supports ADC-VX with up to 24 vADCs
  • On-demand service scalability
  • 2 x 10 GbE SFP+, 16 x 1 GbE SFP, 8 x 1GbE RJ45
  • Two redundant management ports providing out-of-band highly reliable management interfaces with enhanced security
  • USB interface for software installation and recovery
  • Single or Dual AC/DC power supply
  • Suitable for mid-size to large enterprises that require a high-performing solution
  • Provides SSL acceleration, compression, and caching
  • Front-to-back fans suitable for new data centers design
Alteon 5224 Specifications
Available Throughput Licenses 5, 10 and 16 Gbps
Number of virtual ADC instances Up to 24 instances
Layer 4 connections per second 510,000 CPS
Layer 7 requests per second 757,000 RPS
SSL connections per second, 2K keys (Std/XL/Extreme) 400 / 11,000 CPS
SSL throughput, 2K keys (Std/XL/Extreme) 1.8 / 6.7 Gbps
Compression (Std/XL/Extreme) 1 Gbps
Routing Protocols OSPF, RIP, RIP II, BGP
Processor 1x Intel quad-core CPU
Memory 24GB up to 48GB
Traffic Ports 2 x 10 GbE SFP+
16 x 1 GbE SFP
8 x 1 GbE RJ45
Pluggable Optics Operating Distance SFP pluggable modules:
  • Short reach SFP+, 10GBASE-SR
  • Long reach SFP+, 10GBASE-LR

SFP pluggable modules:

  • Short reach SFP, 1000BASE-SX
  • Long reach SFP, 1000BASE-LX
  • Extra reach SFP, 1000BASE-ZX
  • Pluggable Copper, 1000BASE-T
USB Port Yes
RS-232C Console RJ-45 Serial Connection
Power Auto-range power supply:
AC: 100-240 V, 47-63 Hz
DC: -36~-72 V
Power consumption: 210 W
Dual power supply is optional
Heat dissipation 716 BTU/h
Dimensions Width: 424 mm (17 in)
Depth: 432 mm (17 in)
Height: 88 mm (3.4 in / 2U)
EIA Rack or Standalone: 482 mm (19 in)
Weight (Std/XL/Extreme) Single power supply: 9.3 Kg (20.5 lbs) / 9.8 Kg (21.6 lbs)
Dual power supply: 10.8 Kg (23.8 lbs) /11.3 Kg (24.9 lbs)
Environmental Operating temperature: 0-40 °C (32-104 °F)
Humidity: 5% to 95% non-condensing
Certifications Safety: CE LVD( EN 60950-1), CB - IEC 60950-1, CCC, cTUVus
EMC: CE EMC (EU directive 2004/108/EC), FCC Part 15B Class A, ICES-003, VCCI, C-Tick
RoHS Compliant (EU directive 2011/65/EC)

ADC-VX on Alteon NG:

The Agility of Virtual, The Predictability of Physical

ADC-VX is the industry's fi rst application delivery controller (ADC) hypervisor that runs multiple virtual ADC instances on Radware's OnDemand Switch platforms, a dedicated ADC hardware. ADC-VX is designed from the ground up to enable organizations to consolidate ADC hardware devices without compromising resiliency or performance predictability of ADC services — resulting in signifi cant savings of hardware costs and operational expenses. ADC-VX provides the agility and the simplicity that is required in the dynamic, ever-changing virtualized data center, driving faster deployment of new services and better alignment of ADC services with frequent confi guration changes.

Built on Alteon NG platforms, ADC-VX also provides all next generation (NG) services which enable organizations to ensure their applications' SLA, including application performance monitoring (APM), FastView web performance optimization (WPO) and AppWall web application fi rewall (WAF).
Built on Alteon NG platforms, ADC-VX also provides all next generation (NG) services which enable organizations to ensure their applications' SLA, including application performance monitoring (APM), FastView web performance optimization (WPO) and AppWall web application fi rewall (WAF).

Resilience & Complete Isolation
Resilience & Complete Isolation

Radware's ADC-VX is designed from the ground up to ensure complete fault isolation, network isolation and management isolation between neighboring virtual ADC instances. By providing this unique isolation architecture that is similar to dedicated physical ADC devices, Radware ADC-VX eliminates the risks involved with consolidation and physical to virtual (P2V) migration. In addition, the entire network layer is virtualized and private – including interfaces, VLANs, ARP and routing tables, which ensures that traffic is routed through isolated paths for maximum privacy.

Predictable Performance & SLA Guarantee
Predictable Performance & SLA Guarantee

A unique resource guarantee mechanism ensures that each virtual ADC instance is allocated dedicated resources for its operation. This way, every virtual instance can utilize only those resources for which it was specifically allocated, resulting in predictable performance and service level agreement (SLA) guarantee for each instance. This approach completely eliminates the risks of resource starvation even under the most challenging scenarios. For example, a flash crowd event on one of the virtual instances will not affect the performance of other instances.

Full Business Agility
Full Business Agility

Instant provisioning, decommissioning and resource reallocation of virtual instances running on top of the ADC-VX drives business agility by significantly shortening the deployment time of new applications and services in the virtualized data center. Radware's ADC-VX makes it easy to reallocate resources and distribute them across virtual ADC instances, adjusting their performance and functionality to meet changing business needs.

Simple to Operate & Manage
Simple to Operate & Manage

ADC-VX hypervisor assigns physical resources such as CPU, memory, network and acceleration resources to capacity units, which are allocated to the virtual ADC instances by a simplified resource abstraction mechanism. This automatic process eliminates complicated calculation and reduces human errors. In addition, the centralized management system and dashboard provide a real-time view of the virtual instances' health and resource utilization, resulting in a scalable solution that is simple to operate and manage.

Significant Cost Reduction & Accelerated ROI

Radware's ADC-VX ensures fast ROI achieved by significant CAPEX and OPEX reduction. With Radware's ADC-VX, the business needs less ADC hardware to support ADC requirements, reducing the operational costs of real estate, power, cooling and spare parts. Consequently, the ADC-VX significantly reduces product service costs compared to multiple dedicated ADC devices.

Radware's Virtual Application Delivery Infrastructure (VADI)

ADC-VX is a key component in Radware's VADI architecture which transforms computing resources, ADC and virtualization services into an integrated, agile and scalable Virtual Application Delivery Infrastructure (VADI). It is designed to bridge across the underlying hardware resources and to cater for the various application needs in terms of SLA and performance predictability while delivering maximal agility to the application delivery space. Radware VADI transforms standard application delivery infrastructure into a virtual application delivery control plane.

Complete Application SLA Assurance with Next Generation Service

ADC-VX solution is built on Radware's Alteon NG platforms - our next-generation application delivery solution. It's the industry's only ADC built from the ground up to ensure application SLA at all times. Alteon NG innovatively leverages several next-generation services that are not available in any other ADC on the market.

  • Architecturally designed to ensure application SLA by delivering resource reservation and full isolation per application
  • Delivers application SLA monitoring capabilities, via the built-in application performance monitoring (APM) module, providing SLA visibility by application, transaction or location
  • Accelerates application response time for higher conversion rates, revenues and productivity, by leveraging FastView, the industry's most advanced web performance optimization (WPO) technology
  • Ensures application SLA even under attack by integrating Radware's Attack Mitigation System (AMS) and signaling attack information upon detection to mitigate it at the perimeter

Hosting and Cloud ADC Services Solution:

Radware's Application Delivery Controller (ADC) Technology enables cloud and hosting businesses to offer scale-out, high-availability, health-monitoring and application acceleration services to their customers.

Traditional hosting and cloud infrastructures are required to offer their customers solutions to overcome challenges associated with the offpremise hosting of business applications and the subsequent lack of control over the compute infrastructure hosting these applications. Radware's solution enables providers to offer scale-out services and highly available application hosting and additional application performance services to their customers. In addition, it offers cloud burst, cloud disaster recovery and cloud based application developing and testing services to enhance the enterprise application lifecycle options.

The Challenge

Cloud computing is quickly becoming a common option for offering cost effective hosting services, effectively making computational power available for a much greater number of use cases and applications. However, the need for highly reliable, high performance service guarantees is not going away, further more with cloud technologies organizations are looking to find a way and improve the economics of compute while retaining the level of service they have gotten used to in their internal data centers. Cloud and hosting providers are challenged to offer their customers a hybrid approach in which high assurance and high economics merge.

Application Delivery in general and load balancing in particular are fundamental components of the hosted virtual application. Effectively, the systems composition that constructs applications running in virtually hosted or cloud infrastructures must use the load balancer as an integral component of the solution. Load balancers enable scaling out of cloud applications by adding virtual machines to an application, and build high-availability into applications by continuously healthmonitoring the virtual machines and forwarding traffic only to healthy ones. That being the case, it is a basic requirement for cloud providers to offer load balancing services as part of their overall infrastructure.

For Enterprise Applications, basic load balancing is not sufficient. Enterprise applications and web applications in particular, are typically not designed out of the box to cope with today's QoE requirements. End users connect from a variety of locations globally with a variety of devices over a variety of networks. Controlling the experience resulting from the variety of application usage patterns as well as dealing with application lifecycle related changes, requires advanced application level capabilities. Some of these capabilities are application acceleration, caching of static content, application L7 policy enforcement, and security functionality. Enterprise applications are commonly built with these capabilities implemented on an ADC front ending the application.

Cloud and hosting providers are required to offer solutions that meet the capability and price requirements of business customer's at large scale with native multi-tenant support and very operationally efficient management systems. Consequently the ability to add advanced ADC functionality into existing load balancing services, potentially as a premium service offering, is valuable in creating additional revenue streams and building differentiated solutions to better fit the provider customers. Radware's Application Delivery Fabric uniquely addresses the cloud and hosting provider requirements by presenting an opportunity to increase revenues and attract more customers.

The Radware ADC Fabric Cloud and Hosting Solution

The solution enables providers to build their own basic load balancing farm supporting scale-out and high availability for hosted applications. Additionally, the solution offers a service level continuum allowing providers to move tenants from basic load balancing services on to advanced application delivery services with a variety of capabilities. At the heart of the Radware cloud and hosting application delivery solution is the ability to rollout application delivery services, based on profiles which comprehensively represent the specific capabilities and capacity provided to the end users over multi-tenant, fully isolated, purpose built hardware, ADC-VX, and over commodity off –the- shelf virtualized hardware. The solution easily integrates into OSS and BSS tools with a RESTful API and plug-ins available for leading commercial cloud platforms. This integration makes the application delivery service operations, the management of all ADC resources, and server resources available for ADC services, very straightforward and intuitive. Cloud and hosting providers can easily scale their ADC service capacity by adding additional purpose built ADC-VX systems or by allocating additional general purpose, x86 based resource pools. Through Radware's Application Delivery Service Automation Plugin, vDirect, providers are relieved from managing all application delivery resources and interface only with an abstraction layer that natively responds to cloud and datacenter service requests and workflows.

The solution is comprised of the following Radware products:

  1. Radware Alteon ADC-VX – Industry leading ADC Virtualization technology running the industry's highest number of virtual ADC instances on a single platform. The ADC-VX platform offers full resource isolation, network isolation, fault isolation and management isolation between all virtual ADC instances best suiting the multi-tenant operation in a cloud environment. ADC VX is a core resource of the Radware ADC Fabric solution.
  2. Radware Alteon VA – fully capable enterprise grade Virtual ADC Appliance running over all major hypervisor platforms such as VMware vSphere, Microsoft Hyper-V, Open XEN, and RedHat KVM. The product runs the exact same firmware as the hardware versions of the Alteon ADC, providing a unified interface for management, operation and automation across the complete ADC fabric. Alteon VA is a resource in the Alteon ADC Fabric.
  3. Radware vDirect – Automating the processes related to the ADC services in the hosting and cloud infrastructure. ADC services include adding tenants using predefined application optimized templates or provider customized templates, in any deployment model onto the ADC fabric, activating services for tenants and migrating services or tenants across resources of the ADC fabric. vDirect simplifies the ongoing operations while flexibly integrating into the cloud & hosting provider management systems.

The following image illustrates the Radware ADC Fabric components in the cloud and Hosting datacenter.

The following image illustrates the Radware ADC Fabric components in the cloud and Hosting datacenter.

Service Model Deployed Product Description
Assured Application Delivery Alteon ADC-VX Due to the industry leading virtual ADC instance density of the Alteon ADC-VX platform, and in turn the economical pricing of each virtual ADC instance, ADC-VX is the ideal platform to offer cloud and hosting tenants a fully isolated high assurance ADC service which can either be provider managed or tenant managed.
Flexible Application Delivery Alteon VA For less demanding and more flexible usage environments, the Alteon VA can offer the ideal solution. It is ideally suited to offer very granular application control and configurations are fully compatible with assured application delivery services for future migration.
Shared Load Balancing Alteon ADC-VX For basic load balancing services, in which the tenant is assigned an IP address representing its application, a shared load balancing hardware appliance, running virtual IP per customer application, offers the best price performance combination. Alteon ADC-VX technology allows providers to group services flexibly and isolates service environments from one another.

According to the above service models, Radware has developed a unique business model by which more flexible pricing, billing and licensing options, offering better alignment with end user billing, is available for cloud and hosting providers. Additionally, according to the specific service offerings of the cloud and hosting provider, Radware offers joining the Cloud partner program which provides further benefits.

Features and Benefits

The key benefits of the Radware ADC Fabric Solution for Cloud and Hosting Providers are the ability to offer a very broad spectrum of load balancing and application delivery services to its customer while maintaining the ability to very specifically define the solution sets that make most sense to the specific cloud and hosting business. Such flexibility enables better addressing end user requirements, better alignment of services to the requirements and the potential to create additional revenues through offering high SLA services at a very economical price point.

Some of the solution features are listed as follows:

  • Granular, operator defined Application Delivery Service definition
  • Highly scalable Application Delivery Controller Fabric
    • T hroughput Capacity
    • T enant Support
    • N etwork Services
  • Intuitive integration and Service Automation in Cloud and Hosting Infrastructure
  • Highly Scalable, Dense multi-tenant ADC Appliances
  • Very broad hypervisor technology support to suit your cloud platform
  • Identical functionality and operations model across form factors and service delivery models


Understanding the close relationship between cloud infrastructure services and managed hosting services with regards to how they apply to enterprise customers that are considering adopting cloud services, Radware offers the most scalable high assurance multi-tenant application delivery services platform in the market. With Radware's ADC Fabric solutions, providers can offer a broad variety of load balancing and Application delivery services custom defined to address their customers' requirements. Radware's solution supports easy migration of customer service levels with a minimal operational overhead on the provider operation. By offering a variety of services, the providers can increase the revenue per customer and the commitment level of their customers.

In alignment with the hosting and cloud infrastructure markets, Radware extends special partnership programs and uses a special business model with cloud and hosting providers. Radware's cloud and hosting business model reduces risk and upfront investment by providers while enabling creation of custom and granular application delivery service profile offerings to the provider customers.


Radware Products
Alteon NG ADC Platforms
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