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Radware Inflight

Receive Real-time Intelligence from Your Network

Radware Inflight

Radware Products
Inflight Series
USA: FREE Ground ShippingRadware Inflight 5000
- 4 Dual purpose ports: SFP or Copper, 6GB Memory, RoHS
Our Price: Call for Price!
USA: FREE Ground ShippingRadware Inflight 5000 w/Dual Power Supply
- 4 Dual purpose ports: SFP or Copper, 6GB Memory, Dual AC Power Supply, RoHS
Our Price: Call for Price!
USA: FREE Ground ShippingRadware Inflight 10000 w/Dual Power Supply
- 4 10GE, 8 GE Copper, 4 GE SFP, 16 GB Memory, Dual AC Power Supply, RoHS
Our Price: Call for Price!

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Inflight is an out-of-path, network-based pervasive monitoring appliance that captures all user transactions from ‘in-flight’ network traffic and delivers real-time events for business applications. Inflight enables organizations to leverage these valuable insights to identify business events or security threats embedded in web transactions and respond instantaneously.

Inflight extracts critical business events with detailed user transactions, performed over the web, showing user actions such as money transfers, login events made, or attempted items purchased or viewed. In addition, Inflight can further enrich the information to enable full compliance as well as correlate intersession events to create valuable business information outputs such as security threats or site performance drops alarms. This vital information is delivered in to the relevant processing unit, such as event analytics applications or to other network appliances – for networking based proactive actions.

Key Business Benefits:

  • Add new security layer to online presence
    Identify security breach including fraud, content theft or any other threat by analyzing traffic content and patterns
  • Enabling real time marketing
    Extract actionable insights and marketing intelligence – for real time marketing campaigns, otherwise not available through the web application
  • Maintain high QoE
    Monitor site performance and provide QoE statistics detailed down to the user level– by monitoring actual user traffic, and if needed, initiate a corrective action in real time
  • Simplify and centralize logging tasks
    Required for regulatory compliance, while enriching the logs produced

What Does Inflight Do?

Implement InFlight for real-time intelligence from your network and your ability to identify business events or security threats embedded in Web transactions will instantly improve. It is an out-of-path, network-based pervasive monitoring appliance that captures all user transactions from 'in-flight' network traffic and delivers real-time intelligence for business applications.

InFlight, a core part of Radware's next generation Attack Mitigation System (AMS) is an anti-scraping, data theft protection device that includes a unique combination of several tools for transforming raw Internet traffic to meaningful business intelligence including:

A Powerful User Programmable Parser
A Powerful User Programmable Parser

Inflight's programmable parser is capable of extracting any piece of information from any user session, and classifying it per user or server session, based on simple information such as source/destination IP or more complex data like cookie information or information extracted by the parser itself

A Complex Event Processing (CEP) Engine
A Complex Event Processing (CEP) Engine

Inflight's CEP can process the information extracted by the parser, on the fly, identify browsing patterns as well as transactions patterns (time based and sequence based patterns) – adding another layer of information to the Business Intelligence Inflight can provide

Integration with Most Back-end Analytics Engines
Integration with Most Back-end Analytics Engines

Inflight has a wide variety of feeds that can be used to push information to most analytical engines, logging machines and other third-party reporting tools

What Makes Inflight Better?

Inflight's deployment architecture provides a mediation solution which is completely separated from the production environment. It enables full separation of the mediation task from the Web application server, resulting in a more efficient Web application code and mediation solution. InFlight allows you to proactively monitor and protect your business in ways that will help you drive more revenue. A powerful tool for extracting high quality business intelligence from online activity, it empowers various business needs:

Secure the organization's online operation from fraudulent activity with anti-fraud solutions
Secure the organization's online operation from fraudulent activity with anti-fraud solutions

Comply with regulatory standards such as PCI, by logging online transactions in real time
Comply with regulatory standards such as PCI, by logging online transactions in real time

Enable real-time personalized marketing campaigns through real time business intelligence
Enable real-time personalized marketing campaigns through real time business intelligence

Monitor the performance of Web applications
Monitor the performance of Web applications

Protect Your Business and Drive Revenue with Actionable User Insight

Inflight™ is the only network-based monitoring solution that delivers actionable, real-time business events to any back-end analytic system. The easy-to-deploy appliance monitors and captures raw, identity-based data from online channels, converts that content into meaningful information and feeds the resulting event streams into horizontal analytics engines – all in real-time.

Business events are the critical, detailed user transactions performed over the web that show actions performed in business terms: money transfers over $10,000, deposits or withdrawals, login events made or attempted, items purchased or viewed. This click-stream information is delivered in relevant business terms which can be used by the back-end application.

With this information, companies can respond instantaneously so networks can intelligently manage resources based on user and business requirements. Detailed session and log-in information is flexible enough to support a variety of systems.

  • Web analytics/real-time marketing
  • Business intelligence (BI)
  • Security information and event management (SIEM)
  • Enterprise fraud management
  • Event and log management
  • Complex event processing (CEP)

And since deep, detailed transactional information on actual users (not just IP addresses) can be identified, enterprises and carriers can use the output (in combination with analytic and operational decision support engines) to

  • Stop fraudulent acts in process and protect users from fraud and identity theft
  • Optimize business processes by understanding detailed user activity, resulting in up-selling to a customer based on their session activity
  • Enhance business and/or log user activity for regulatory compliance
  • Drive business optimization with a business-smart network

Features and Benefits:

Inflight’s architecture increases the agility of any mediation-dependent solution as well as provides the following benefits:

  • Seamlessly deployed in the network – requiring no network configuration changes nor application changes
  • Enables shorter staging and testing cycles and eliminates website downtime for any upgrade or change
  • Requires no integration with production application
  • Faster application rollout / update TTM, for any mediation dependent application
Feature Business Benefits
Real Time Monitoring of all HTTP Traffic and Translation to Meaningful Business events
  • Real time fraud activity detection enabling on-time prevention – minimizing loss and damages to online business ̶ through rich, real time logs, smart multistep transaction correlation and actionable event generation
  • Increased average revenues per user by enabling real time personalized marketing campaigns, through real time business events visibility
  • Optimized end-user QoE through real life proactive performance monitoring in the user level enabling fast and accurate resolution of site and user performance issues
Integrated Complex Event Processing (CEP) Engine Oversees a Session Transaction Pattern from Start to End in Real Time
  • Provides high quality event feeds and processed information, in real time, to analytical engines such as anti-fraud and authentication solutions
  • Offloads CPU intensive tasks from analytical solutions, while simplifying integration into existing web presence deployments
  • Expedites detection of transaction anomalies such as browsing patterns or high rate of successive login/money transfers events
  • Performs advanced complex event processing in real time, on all actual web traffic, as transaction occurs
Central Logging Point Using Unified, Enriched Logging Format
  • Cost effective, efficient logging by offloading logging tasks from servers
    • Reducing server load by up to 30%
    • Resulting in reduced web server CAPEX and OPEX
  • Enabling fast, agile compliance such as PCI, HIPAA, and more through simplified, centralized logging to multiple logging machines
  • Simplified logging through one logging point that aggregates and creates all logs in one consistent format and distribute to the various destinations
  • Enables logging what’s needed – not just what you can (limited by your web application server resources), providing rich log entries each with historical data (e.g. login name, time in session) and geo IP information
An Out-of-Path Solution Architecture - with No Risk to the Production Environment
  • Agile and fast monitoring deployment through full separation of monitoring solution and web application development
  • Optimized development resource utilization through separation between web application development and monitoring deployment, providing faster deployment cycle and shorter time to market
  • Simple analytical solution deployment, by eliminating  the need for monitoring solution integration with web application server
Interoperable Solution Enabling Flexible and User Configurable Reporting Options
  • Plug-and-play adapters characterize the output and feed downstream systems in the appropriate format (i.e., TCP/IP, JMS, SMB, SQL-JDBC, SOAP, HTTP, third-party proprietary)
  • Vendor-specific adapters ensure interoperability with leading analytical and logging solutions as well as the fastest, most secure transfer of events
High Performance and Scalable Monitoring Solution
  • Scalable, on-demand throughput and functionality to meet business growth and evolving requirements
  • Integrated software and hardware-based secure socket layer (SSL) decryption in real time, enabling seamless monitoring of SSL encrypted traffic

Challenge and Solution:

Real Time, Real Life Site Performance Monitoring

The Challenge
A crucial parameter affecting customer satisfaction in the online business environment is site performance – an important factor on the perceived customer’s QoE. Identifying site performance drops in real time, is crucial for fast and effective problem resolution, before end user’s QoE drops and for maintaining business reputation.

The Solution
Inflight provides what’s really needed to maintain end user QoE – real time and real life performance monitoring at the user level. Unlike existing alternatives, the Inflight solution is automated, relies on real-time and user experience and traffic (vs. manually and synthetically defined traffic patterns) enabling detection of network bottlenecks and error resolution, per user, as the user experiences it. Addressing site performance drops in real time at the user level enables personal reaction, ensuring user satisfaction even in case of momentary drop in QoE.

According to a Forrester Consulting 40% of online users will abandon site if page load time will be above 3 seconds.
According to a Forrester Consulting 40% of online users will abandon site if page load time will be above 3 seconds.

Inflight Capabilities Benefits
Real time, real life performance monitoring – with full visibility on response times, user and web application errors, customer load and other user defined flexible metrics, enable tailored site monitoring with minimal effort on end user’s QoE. Proactive performance monitoring – fast and accurate resolution of site and user performance issues, maximizing QoE at all times.
Simple site performance analysis – no need to pre configure or reconfigure site parameters as it evolves to gain relevant visibility on application and general site bottlenecks. Inflight automatically provides statistics correlated per web application, page or user, automatically enriching information with user’s geo location, as opposed to other synthetic, non real time or real life site performance monitoring solutions. Cost effective performance monitoring solution lowering OPEX – doesn’t require maintenance of the site performance monitoring tool in order to keep providing most relevant results, even after the site’s functions and structure change.

Inflight for E-Commerce Sites

The Challenge
E-commerce competitiveness relies on the defense of core business information assets. Any e-commerce site, whether it is aware of it or not, is potentially under constant attacks of automated bots and site scrapers, which are trying to automatically replicate its core business information assets – the same information which is publicly open to its customers. Besides the direct negative business impact such data theft may have, those automated bots also overload the site’s web application servers as well as utilize a high percentage of its costly internet connection.

The Solution
Inflight can improve e-commerce site competitiveness by enabling real time protection of publicly available data, from bots and scrapers serving competitors. By preventing knowledge leak and core business information loss – customers can ensure full extraction of the monetary benefit from your investments. In addition, protecting IT assets from being replicated or stolen enables e-commerce sites to sell data extracted from their core business databases – which can provide additional sales revenues from the protected IT assets.

Inflight Capabilities Benefits
Real time monitoring of all inbound and outbound traffic – such as traffic content and pattern analysis, enabling detection of automated bots and scrapers activity stilling valuable web site content. Prevent knowledge leaks and core business information loss – ensuring full extraction of the monetary benefit from your investments.
Actionable feeds – to external analytical engines and other network devices, this powerful detection is natively converted into real time active protection. Increase the value of your publicly available data – preventing data scrapping to enable legitimate sales and revenues from the protected data (as databases), for non-competing purposes.

Inflight for Online Finance Environments

The Challenge
Financial institutions that operate online services strongly rely on their ability to protect themselves and their customers from evolving fraudulent activity. Detecting fraudulent transactions in real-time requires monitoring of all traffic coming in and out of the business’s web site. Furthermore, anti fraud solutions must provide agility and fast integration with existing systems and fast time to market, in order to address the constantly changing security threats.

The Solution
The Inflight monitoring solution provides real time web traffic mediation and business event extraction, optimized for fraud activity detection, enabling on time prevention. This minimizes loss and damages to online business, through rich, real time logs, smart multistep transaction correlation and actionable event feed generation.

Inflight provides an agile protection solution – through an independent off-production-path monitoring solution, enabling fast deployment and full separation between production application and security monitoring.

Inflight Capabilities Benefits
Real time, full visibility of all inbound and outbound traffic – with the ability to extract information, using complex and resource intensive regular expressions. Maximal fraud mitigation – enabling anti fraud solutions to provide better protection than any other mediation alternative, minimizing loss and damages to the online finance business environment.
Inter session information correlation – enables logs enrichment with traffic pattern information and additional parameters such as user geo-location. Lower OPEX and CAPEX – of the security solution, while maintaining high QoE, with no performance penalty to the web application servers.
  • Off-production-path solution architecture – passive and none intrusive to the production environment.
  • Enables full separation – between the web application server and the security solution deployment.
  • Fastest TTM – from decision to production
  • Maximize agility – to minimize time period between threat detection and protection deployment, with minimal risk to production environment.
  • Reduced losses – caused by fraudulent activity.

Inflight for Online Gambling Sites

The Challenge
Increasing revenues per gambler requires real time business intelligence on game patterns of each specific gambler. Extracting this information from existing gambling applications is often complex, risking production environment stability, while offering little to no future agility on business intelligence being extracted.

The Solution
Radware’s Inflight monitoring solution extracts information at the user/transaction level and provides real time feeds of rich business events, enabling marketing analytics engines to create real time, personalized effective promotions.

Inflight’s unique solution architecture provides easy adjustments to optimize effectiveness of such real time promotions, with minimal risk to the production gambling web application.

Inflight Capabilities Benefits
  • Extract real-time monetary transaction information – at the user level, taking place on the gambling site.
  • Real time actionable user balance tracking – enabling real time promotions based on user actual status, combined with historic user gambling patterns.
  • Increased average revenue per user – by enabling effective and personalized real time promotion.
  • Optimized gambler spending – through real time money transfers between different games balances and different gambling applications.


Inflight Monitoring Solution Architecture

Inflight Monitoring Solution Architecture

Unique Architecture Enabling Agile Monitoring Solution with Fast TTM

  • Independent, out-of-path monitoring solution
  • Separating the (evolving) monitoring function from the development of the Web application
  • Requiring no integration with production application
  • Requiring shorter staging and testing cycles and no site downtime for any upgrade or change

Technical Specifications:

Radware offers various Inflight configurations to fit the vast majority of user and system requirements. Inflight also integrates with AppDirector.

InFlight on OnDemand Switch 1 and 3

  • Designed for high-volume online businesses
  • On-demand throughput scalability
  • On-demand service scalability
  • LCD panel displaying key statistics
  • Multiple power supply configurations including dual, redundant AC/DC
  • Inflight 10000 only: 4 10 Gigabit Fiber Ports (XFP pluggable optics) + 8 Gigabit Ethernet Ports
  • 4 Gigabit Fiber Ports (SFP-GBIC Mini)
  • Two redundant management ports providing out-of-band highly reliable management interfaces with enhanced security
  • LCD panel displaying key statistics
  • USB interface for software installation and recovery
  • Dual, redundant AC/DC power supply
Features ODS-1  ODS-3
Processor 2 AMD Opteron dual-core 2.2 GHz 2 AMD Shanghai quad-core 2.5 GHz 
Memory 12 GB Up to 32GB 
10 Gigabit Ethernet Ports None  4 (XFP pluggable optics)
Gigabit/GBIC Ports 4 Gigabit Ethernet Ports (Copper or Fiber)  8 x 10/100/1000 BaseT ports 4xGigabit Fiber Ports (SFP-GBIC Mini)
1000Base-SX/LX/ZX Ports All Gigabit Fiber ports deliver SX/LX/ZX interfaces depending on GBIC
Monitored Protocols HTTP, HTTPS, UDP, RADIUS
Publishing Interfaces
  • Streaming via TCP/IP, JMS
  • Log file transfer via NFS/SMB
  • Direct database via SQL
  • Alert via SNMP
  • HTTP
  • Web Services
1000Base-SX (850 nm) Operating Distance
  • 62.5 micron MM fiber .2 m to 275 m
  • 50 micron MM fiber .2 m to 550 m
1000Base-LX/ZX Operating Distance
  • LX: Up to 10 km (6.2 mi)
  • ZX: Up to 80 km (49.7 mi)
USB Port On front panel
LCD Screen On front panel
RS-232C Console
  • DB-9 serial connection
  • Female DCE interface for out-of-band management
Dimensions 1U:
Width: 424 mm (17 in.)
Depth: 600 mm (24 in.)
Height: 44 mm (1.7 in.)
EIA rack or standalone: 482 mm (19 in.)
Width: 424 mm (17 in.)
Depth: 600 mm (24 in.)
Height: 88 mm (3.4 in.)
EIA rack or standalone: 482 mm (19 in.)
Weight 1U: 9.5 kg (20 lbs) 2U: 15.1kg (33.3 lbs) 
  • Operating temperature: 0°C to 40°C (32°F to 104°F)
  • Humidity: 5% to 95% non-condensing
Power Supply
  • Auto-range supply:
    • AC: 100-240V 50-60Hz
    • DC: -42~-72V
  • Frequency: 47Hz - 63Hz 
  • Power consumption: 150 W 
  • Heat dissipation: 511.5 BTU/h  
  • Dual power supply (AC/DC) in 2U form
  • Safety: EN, UL, CSA, IEC #60950-1
  • EMC: EN 55022, EN 55024, FCC Part 15B Class A
  • CE, FCC, VCCI, CB, TUV, UL/cUL, CCC, C-Tick, RoHS
  • Safety: EN 60950-1:2006, CB - IEC 60950-1, CCC, cULus  
  • EMC: CE - EN 55022, EN 55024, EN 61000-3-2, EN 61000-3-3, IEC 61000 4-2 to 4-6, IEC 61000 4-8 & IEC 61000-4-11, FCC Part 15B Class A, ICES-003, VCCI Class A, C-Tick, RoHS 6


Download the Radware Inflight Datasheet (PDF).


Radware Products
Inflight Series
USA: FREE Ground ShippingRadware Inflight 5000
- 4 Dual purpose ports: SFP or Copper, 6GB Memory, RoHS
Our Price: Call for Price!
USA: FREE Ground ShippingRadware Inflight 5000 w/Dual Power Supply
- 4 Dual purpose ports: SFP or Copper, 6GB Memory, Dual AC Power Supply, RoHS
Our Price: Call for Price!
USA: FREE Ground ShippingRadware Inflight 10000 w/Dual Power Supply
- 4 10GE, 8 GE Copper, 4 GE SFP, 16 GB Memory, Dual AC Power Supply, RoHS
Our Price: Call for Price!