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Virtual Load Balancing Solutions

Consolidate and Virtualize Your Infrastructure with Virtual Load Balancers

Virtualization is hot and Radware has some advanced virtual load balancing solutions.

Virtual load balancers work in a manner similar to a virtual server or a virtual computer on your network. They act as a physical load balancer and distribute requests accordingly, saving you space and offering greater flexibility than many hardware balancers.

Radware created the industry's first Virtual Application Delivery Infrastructure (VADI), which allows you to integrate transforming computing resources, application delivery controller (ADC) and virtualization services into an integrated, agile and easily scalable virtualized infrastructure with a virtual load balancer. Any organization looking to consolidate and virtualize their ADC infrastructure – from mid-size companies, large enterprise data centers and carriers to cloud and hosting providers can benefit from virtual load balancing with VADI.


How VADI Works:

Radware's Virtual Application Delivery Infrastructure (VADI) transforms computing resources and application delivery and virtualization services into one integrated, agile and scalable application delivery virtualization infrastructure. It is designed to bridge the gap across underlying hardware resources and serve various application needs in terms of SLA and performance predictability, while delivering maximum agility to application delivery services. VADI transforms a standard application delivery infrastructure into an agile virtual application delivery control plane.

VADI offers all the form factors you need to make the most of your virtualization efforts: Alteon NG - a dedicated application delivery controller (ADC), ADC-VX, the industry's first ADC hypervisor and Alteon Virtual Appliance (VA) - a soft ADC running on general server VI.

Virtual Load Balancing with VADI:

Virtual load balancing with a VADI solution improves network performance. Using servers and resources efficiently helps keep customers satisfied and networks running at their optimum levels. Virtual load balancing provides a reliable, flexible and powerful load balancing solution for your network.

Agility and Efficiency with vDirect:

VADI is fully integrated with the virtual data center's eco-system through Radware's vDirect plug-in. It provides all the building blocks and management interfaces required for orchestration data center management system to provision, manage and monitor Radware's VADI virtual ADCs and computing resources. vDirect ensures maximum business agility and IT efficiency of the application delivery infrastructure. Radware VADI further improves business agility through a set of unique management services including instant vADC provisioning and decommissioning, P2V migration and vADC migration.

Data Center Virtualization
Data Center Virtualization

To meet the demanding challenges of successful ADC consolidation and virtualization, Radware offers ADC-VX, an ADC consolidation and virtualization platform based on a specialized ADC hypervisor. ADC-VX is built on a unique architecture that virtualizes the resources of Alteon NG including CPU, memory, network and acceleration resources. This specialized hypervisor runs virtual ADC instances (vADCs) where each vADC delivers full ADC functionality. Each vADC contains a complete and separated environment of resources, OS, configurations and management. ADC-VX enables organizations to successfully consolidate and virtualize ADC hardware devices without compromising resiliency or performance predictability of ADC services.

Desktop Virtualization
Desktop Virtualization

Radware's integrated application delivery solution provides virtual desktop application virtualization with full availability and enhanced performance. The integrated solution of Alteon NG and LinkProof prevents user downtime with 24/7 connectivity, maximizes performance of Internet links to improve user experience and optimizes the network path for virtual desktop users through advanced health monitoring and performance checks. Our desktop application virtualization solution provides 24/7 access for virtual desktop users by ensuring the virtual desktop management (VDM) application is fully available and better performing. It improves VDM security server performance by offloading CPU-intensive SSL decryption from VDM secure servers to the network.